Which Schools Are in the WTC Disaster Zone?
Beyond the students from schools like Stuyvesant that have gotten a lot of attention over the years, thousands of other students were exposed to dangerous air in lower Manhattan after 9/11. Many of these Lower Manhattan students, as well as people who lived and worked in lower Manhattan, also qualify for the WTC Health Program’s Survivor Program and the Victim Compensation Fund. In general, the qualifications for students are as follows:
WTC Health Program
Was enrolled in a NYC public or private school for the 2001/2002 school year.
Attended school in a building located below Houston Street or within a 1.5 mile radius of Ground Zero. (This includes parts of Brooklyn Heights, among other places.)
Was enrolled in a NYC public or private school for the 2001/2002 school year.
Attended school in a building located below Canal Street in Manhattan
Has a certified physical health condition from the WTC Health Program.
If you want to know if your public school is in the covered radius, consult our page on this topic, which is available here: Exposure Zone Schools.
Public school students seeking proof of presence documents can call the city information line, 311, or the Department of Education at 718-935-2200 to access transcripts and letters of confirmation. If you call 311, let them know you need to speak to the Department of Education because you are applying to the WTC Health Program or VCF. Documents are provided at no charge.