I Signed Up For the WTC Health Registry in 2004. Can I Get Treatment?

There are several programs and studies related to the 9/11 survivor population, and many have similar names. The WTC Health Registry is an independent longitudinal study being conducted by the NYC Department of Health and is not affiliated with the WTC Health Program, which offers treatment to 9/11 survivors. The Registry can refer you to services, but they cannot determine your eligibility for them. (Check out page “The Three WTC Health Programs Explained” for more on how the programs differ.)

If you participated in the WTC Health Registry, however, you may qualify for the WTC Health Program and VCF since you had to live, work, attend school, or preform rescue operations below Canal Street on or after 9/11 in order to participate in the study. The benefits they offer are worth taking advantage of if you discover you meet the WTC Health Program’s criteria.

The WTC Health Program offers care for a long list of 9/11-related conditions at no cost for eligible patients anywhere in the nation. Survivors must be symptomatic to enroll, but common health conditions like asthma, GERD, rinosinusitis, or mental health issues like anxiety and PTSD, will all suffice to get you into the program. 

The VCF offers financial compensation for any physical health conditions diagnosed by the Health Program in patients eligible for the fund (i.e. people who were below Canal Street on or after 9/11). 

Even if you are already a member of the WTC Health Registry, you will have to apply for the federal programs separately, but the application process is quick and easy! Learn more about the process at our “WTC Health Program” page.


I’m a 9/11 Survivor. What Should Do if I’m Not Sick But Want to Protect Myself For the Future?


What if I Had Asthma or GERD Before 9/11? Can I Still Get Treatment and Compensation?