Who Is Entitled To Free Cancer Screenings Through the WTC Health Program?

In most cases, the WTC Health Program will cover diagnostic services for the conditions it treats, from GERD to cancers. In the case of cancer, however, certain high-risk populations who require regular screenings. Because of this, the program has a few policies in place to make sure these screenings are available to people who meet certain age and risk-factor criteria.

The program allows a range of diagnostic services including blood work, imaging studies, biopsies, and specialty consults - the kinds of things your Program doctor would need to determine if you have a cancer that is covered by the Program. Here are their policies on some of the more commonly diagnosed cancers:

Breast Cancer:

  1. Screening is available to women age 50-74 once every other year

  2. More frequent screening may be covered for people who have a higher risk, such as family history or a previous diagnosis

  3. If a mammogram receives a positive result, an additional mammogram is allowed

Colon Cancer:

  1. Available to members age 45-75

  2. Earlier or more frequent screenings may be permitted for patients with higher risk

Cervical Cancer:

  1. Available to most female members age 21-65, who may receive a Pap smear every three years

  2. Female members between 30 and 65 may receive a Pap smear every three years or a Pap smear in combination with HPV testing every five years.

  3. Earlier or more frequent screenings may be permitted for patients with higher risk

Lung Cancer Screening:

  1. Annual lung cancer screening is available to eligible members aged 50 to 80 years who have a 20 pack-year smoking history and currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years. A pack year is the equivalent of smoking an average of 20 cigarettes, or one full pack, per day for a year.

More information is available at the program’s Cancer Factsheet.


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The Next WTCHP-STAC Meeting Will Be February 9th, 2023