How Do I Access 9/11 Survivor Services While Living Abroad?

Unfortunately the WTC Health Program does not operate outside of the United States, so foreign residents are not able to get their 9/11-linked conditions certified with the program unless they travel to the US for an initial screening. The program will, however, work with foreign residents who regularly travel to the States to find providers that work for them.

As for the VCF, though getting certified through the WTCHP is the simplest way to go for those who can manage it, the VCF does allow foreign residents to have their conditions verified by their own doctors by having them fill out the Private Physicians forms on the VCF website. The program will then work with the WTC Health Program to verify that the patient’s conditions are eligible and issue any necessary certifications.

According to the VCF’s website, you may use the Private Physician Process if:

You are a foreign resident, living outside the continental United States, who has not been certified for treatment by the WTC Health Program for the claimed condition; or


You are not able to go to a WTC Health Program center (either in the New York City metropolitan area or through the Nationwide Provider Network) to have your condition evaluated and certified for treatment without suffering significant hardship. If you believe that you will suffer significant hardship in seeking certification by the WTC Health Program, you should upload a statement or letter to the claim explaining the circumstances and why you should be considered for the Private Physician process and call the VCF Helpline to alert us to the request.

There are also a few other situations in which patients living inside the US can use the Private Physicians forms. More information is available at their site.


What if I’ve Changed My Name Since 2001 or Since Filing My VCF Claim?


Understanding the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act: What It Means for Survivors